Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Shazzog is a word I just made up. I think it means..........

I'm sorry. 

Right now I'd like to give a big Shazzog to Kayleah Jean Grob. You see, I was brain storming for ideas to write this here blog about and I might have accidentally called titled it "Hog" and told Kayleah that I was going to write about here. Oops.

So this blog is dedicated to the old days of Sorry or Something... because I finally have some things to apologize for again.

Kayleah and I would like to apologize to none other than Tyler V. Today's conversation during lunch was slightly uncalled for and we'd like to say Shazzog for making him sit through it.

Now a list of people who Kayleah never needs (or needed) to say sorry to:

Chris because...*
Jess because....*
Brianna because....*

*reason too explicit for this blog

Now a list of people I don't need to say sorry to:

Kayleah for not saying congratulations
The play audience for messing up (because it worked out)
Tyler V..... because he's Tyler V.

And thus ends my Shazzog Blog.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011


My grandma just got a new dog. It's really young and a mix between a chihuahua and a wiener dog. I haven't seen is yet, but I'm told it can fit in the palm of your hand. Wyatt knows. He was holding it so my mom could take a picture, and it urinated all over him. Ha. Humorous.

I don't really like dogs. They're kind of annoying. They chew on things. And make messes all over the place. And are noisy. And need attention or they go crazy. And run.

I'm more of a cat person. Cats just kind of sit around and sleep. Every once in a while they may cry for food. Other than that, they're pretty independent. They keep all of their messes in contained areas. They're pretty quiet. And they're soft. Also they're way smarter than dogs.

If I were to get a dog, I'd probably name it Señor Chomsky. Just because it's awesome
Or maybe I'd name it Tim Johnson because that's hilarious.( Even if it's the name of a certain Illinois congressman who doesn't tip.)

One time I went into that puppy store in the mall in Champaign and said "dogs are overrated" really loudly. Everyone in the store, including the sales-lady-person gave me a look like they wanted to kill me. I hurriedly left. Talk about awkward..

My other grandma may get a dog....

This has been a random blog of thoughts concerning dogs. Thanks for "listening".