Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Shazzog is a word I just made up. I think it means..........

I'm sorry. 

Right now I'd like to give a big Shazzog to Kayleah Jean Grob. You see, I was brain storming for ideas to write this here blog about and I might have accidentally called titled it "Hog" and told Kayleah that I was going to write about here. Oops.

So this blog is dedicated to the old days of Sorry or Something... because I finally have some things to apologize for again.

Kayleah and I would like to apologize to none other than Tyler V. Today's conversation during lunch was slightly uncalled for and we'd like to say Shazzog for making him sit through it.

Now a list of people who Kayleah never needs (or needed) to say sorry to:

Chris because...*
Jess because....*
Brianna because....*

*reason too explicit for this blog

Now a list of people I don't need to say sorry to:

Kayleah for not saying congratulations
The play audience for messing up (because it worked out)
Tyler V..... because he's Tyler V.

And thus ends my Shazzog Blog.



  1. I'd like to say shazzog to Kayleah for having to sit through the devil for a few more weeks until they break up again. Never mind...I take back my shazzog because she's stupid for going back in the first place.
    Oh, and all those on the list of people who Kayleah never needs(or needed) to say shazzog to...should be shazzonging to kayleah.

  2. Hahahahahaha. "Shazzog." It reminds me of "shaggy dog." Idk. Good word though :)

  3. I think you should continue making up words it is intersting.
