Friday, March 4, 2011

What a day for a Frog :)

If I was a frog, I would love today.

After a long hard winter of doing whatever frogs do in the winter (I'm no frog expert) I'd finally get to begin hoppin' around again and junk. Even though today is colder than it has been, as a frog I probably wouldn't really mind it so much.

Also, it's supposed to rain again. I think it may have rained a bit this morning, but not enough for me to have noticed. But it did rain the other day, so all of the rivers and stuff are full (or whatever).

Frogs always remind me of my grandma. She used to be a big frog enthusiast. When I was younger she had so much frog stuff. Frog rugs, frog clocks, frog coffee mugs, glass frogs, wooden frogs, metal frogs. She kept all of them in an extra bedroom at her house. Grandmas are notorious for collecting things, but my Grandma Mary was different than most. She would actually let us play with her collection. I remember sitting with Maci in that extra bedroom for hours playing house or dress up or whatever. The frog items were always our main accessories.

As the years passed, she kind of stopped collecting. My grandpa would always tell her that he felt like the house was overrun with frogs. He'd always tell her, "Get that crap out of here, Mary!" She knew he was joking, but nonetheless she asked people not to buy her so much. She threw and gave away a lot of it.

I've never been a big fan of frogs (real or fake) but I love the memories they bring up.

...but I do like Frogger....


  1. Awwh :) Aren't Grandmas great? Frog stuff is cute. Not actually frogs. They're weird looking. My Grandma collected wolf stuff. Craaazzy grannys :)

  2. I like frogs i think their cool...
    But I got very frustrated when I was younger my dad always told me to squeeze them a little it's like giving them a "hug" being only like 8.. I did and got peed on.. Yea it was sick.. lol

  3. Frogs are amazing! :) Some are the cutest little things ever, but yeah. Some are pretty weird looking. My grandma collected owl stuff, and there were SO MANYYYY...and they scared me >.<

  4. Haha nice blog sometimes when im at school I would rather be a frog out in the realworld and not be doing homework and dumb essays.
