Friday, March 11, 2011

Hot Dog!

Okay, so on Monday February 28th I got a tooth pulled. I could barely open my mouth or talk or anything. I get home and am just sitting in my living room. My mom does daycare so there were kids running all around me. As lunch time approached, a wonderful smell filled my nostrils. HOT DOGS.

Now normally, I'm not that big of a hot dog fan. I like them and all, but they wouldn't be my first choice most of the time. This day was different. My jaw was all bruised, numb and bleeding. I couldn't eat anything solid. All I'd eaten was apple sauce and yogurt. Let me just tell you; fruit does not sate hunger. It just doesn't work like that.

So I'm sitting there in utter agony aching for a hot dog. I thought about it for like three days after that. Then one day for school lunch we had "chili" dogs. Hot dogs with chili sauce. They're gross. However, we had the option of getting a hot dog without chili sauce. And thus, I got a hot dog!!!! 

It was amazing. I haven't really wanted one ever since. Then yesterday in lunch, Maci, Tyler, Kayleah and I were eating lunch in a peaceful manner; the usual round of strange conversations hadn't started yet. We were all focused on our food. Maci all of a sudden looks up from her chicken nuggets and sighs. "I reeeaaally want a hot dog," she exclaimed.

So the unbearable hunger for a hot dog is a contagious disease. We decided we all needed to go on a date to Weiner Works. Maci, Tyler and I wanted to go tonight, but Kayleah has a date. She said she could bring her date with her, but we didn't want one of Kayleah's 3 day ladies there with her one year old baby ruining our night. Maybe this lady will cancel on Kayleah and we can all have HOT DOGS again!

PS: Love you, Kayleah ;)


  1. Yeah I like hot dogs but not our schools hot dogs. I don't even eat the pizza at our school.

  2. That was a very interesting night....god its been a whole week for me haha

    P.S Love ya too :)
