Friday, May 20, 2011

Our Town Monologue/Goodbye

Hey, it rhymes with blog again :)

Goodbye constant heartbeat and everlasting breath. Running in the sun and long, heartfelt talks. So long freedom, security and civil rights. Farewell to a good book and funny faces. The feeling of accomplishment and fresh air. Sarcasm, smiling, pretending to trip people and made up games in English. Goodbye new hair cuts and freshly mowed grass. The sound of the piano, the guitar, the cello... music! Goodbye light: red, blue, yellow and everything in between. Art; from Picasso to finger paintings. Goodbye cool breeze on summer nights and warming sun. Saturday morning cartoons, Wednesday drama and Thursday night comedy. Good by loving, laughing, learning and living. Oh, Earth! You're so misinterpreted!

Goodbye uncomfortable shoes and this itch in my eyes. Hypocrites and negative media. Carelessness, ripped jeans and lies. Goodbye controlling parents, lonliness and the monster under the bed. Broken hear, fast women and doing the dishes. Farewell to doubt, ignorance and jealousy. Gym class and push-ups. Vegetables, talkative relatives and road kill. Goodbye procrastination, early mornings and studying. Geometry and popularity. And cold winters, global warming and cigarette smoke. Goodbye loud mouths and know-it-alls. Lazy people, anxiety and scraped knees. And Biology homework, colds and worry. Goodbye generalizations, prejudice and cheaters. Stomach aches and Primary Source Documents. And humiliation and lunchroom fights. Goodbye being tired, gossip and crying. Oh, Earth!

Goodbye all. It's been really, really amazing having this class with you and getting to know you.

With love,
Kirstyn B. Showalter

Where I'm from..

These last few blogs are going to be of some of my favorite things I've ever written for Ms. Fultz.

Here goes.

I'm from bare feet and bathing suits.
From sitting in the grass and looking at the stars.
I am from late night dancing
that never seemed to stop.
I am from tire swing and water slides
completely improvised.

I am from freedom and acceptance
and "be-who-you-want-to-be".
Frome "use your inside voice"
and "sit like a lady, please".
I am from don't kick him when he's down
even though he might deserve it.

I am from Hill and Dobinski.
Two made their way from Scandinavia
and two from Poland.
I am from taking care of yourself
and death, disease and cancer.
I am from faded pictures of relatives
I never go the honor of meeting
and stories told by family friends
that always got me thinking.

I am from living, loving, dying
then doing it again.
From rising from the ashes
and hard work and harder times.
I am from yelling, fighting and crying
yet somehow making it through.
I am from I am who I am
even if I'm not quite sure who that is yet.

Monday, May 16, 2011

This I believe...

I believe in individuality. We are all separate organisms. Our bodies react differently to outside elements: temperature, chemicals, pain. Scientifically speaking, no two people are alike. We are all different sizes, shapes and colors. We all have different muscle densities, finger prints and hair textures. There are endless possible combinations. But this does not make us individuals.
A psychologist would say that every person’s brain develops and interprets adversely. Words like fear, love and faith stimulate a variety of emotions in different people. Some place their faith in God; others give it to themselves. Some people feel love from all the people that they encounter; others feel nothing at all. Many people are afraid of heights, but there are others who sky dive. Our emotions surely set us apart from one another, but they do not make us individuals either.
I believe that true individuality can only be achieved by those who aren’t afraid of who they are. Individuality doesn’t necessarily mean being different than anyone else. It is embracing your true self even if it is similar to your peers or nothing that the world has ever seen. It’s about not letting what others think or do influence who you want to be.
Individuality is occasionally rough. It sometimes means being misunderstood. It sometimes means being called names for the way you dress. It sometimes means being laughed at for your beliefs. You might find yourself spending time alone, or disliking too many people. You might find yourself being the one who is disliked. On very rare occasions you might find yourself running down the hall in tears because you’ve put up with it for too long.
However, there are other times when you look around at all the empty shells who blindly follow the leads of others and you smile to yourself because you know that even if you are a worse person, you are also your own person. This moment of complete peace makes it all worth it: all of the tears, the pain and the confusion.
I believe that individuality is not something that you’re born with or have a natural right to. It is a sense of clarity that you should hope to develop as you go through life. Most importantly, I believe that I am an individual. And I’m okay with that.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

>)))>*<(((< Kissin' Fishies

Here is a series of random facts about myself:

*I know pi to nine decimal places - 3.141592654

*I once jumped 400 times on a pogo stick without using my hands.

*My brother and I are exactly 20 months apart and we both weighed the same and were the same length.

*Kayleah Grob owes me t-shirt for finishing a giant plate of food at lunch one day.

*I have an irrational fear of water touching my skin.

*I have a very rational fear of spiders and multiples scares from them.

*My hair used to be slightly fro-ish and strawberry blond, so I guess I'm an ex-ginger.

*I have a very high tolerance for pain: I had a tooth ache for 6 years, giant spider bites and once punched a desk as hard as I could without flinching.

*My freshman year I hated basically everyone in my class; especially Kayleah Grob. I sometimes wonder when I'll get over it.

*My legs feel naked if I don't wear knee high socks.

*I sometimes get weird urges to do flips or walk on my hands. Alas, I cannot.

I guess that's enough for today.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


So lately I've been getting annoyed very easily. I don't really know why. I just look at certain people or think of certain things and I feel so ANGRY.

It's very hard for me to get over. Once something like that enters my mind, I'll be in a bad mood for hours. It's frustrating and sometimes very hard to control my anger. I haven't done anything

There are some people that I honestly cannot stand. They make me so... I don't even know what it is. But I feel it anytime I see them, people talk about them or even when I think about them. I'm not going to name any names, but there are some people in this world whom I just simply do not respect and most likely never will.

There are others that I like sometimes, but dislike at other times. It's like a small child's feelings towards their parents. They do something and I get so angry and feel like I'll hate them forever and never talk to them again, et cetera. But then before long I cool off and love them again.

It all just boils down to anger issues. Yay! I love being that stupid, typical teenager that gets angry at everything and sometimes can't control it; that feels like everyone's out to get them. Unfortunately, I get that way sometimes. But don't we all? I mean, come on, we're all teenagers in here (excluding you, Ms. Fultz). You'd think we'd understand when our peers get this way. But, alas.

This blog is annoying me.


Monday, April 4, 2011

> : |

