Friday, May 20, 2011

Where I'm from..

These last few blogs are going to be of some of my favorite things I've ever written for Ms. Fultz.

Here goes.

I'm from bare feet and bathing suits.
From sitting in the grass and looking at the stars.
I am from late night dancing
that never seemed to stop.
I am from tire swing and water slides
completely improvised.

I am from freedom and acceptance
and "be-who-you-want-to-be".
Frome "use your inside voice"
and "sit like a lady, please".
I am from don't kick him when he's down
even though he might deserve it.

I am from Hill and Dobinski.
Two made their way from Scandinavia
and two from Poland.
I am from taking care of yourself
and death, disease and cancer.
I am from faded pictures of relatives
I never go the honor of meeting
and stories told by family friends
that always got me thinking.

I am from living, loving, dying
then doing it again.
From rising from the ashes
and hard work and harder times.
I am from yelling, fighting and crying
yet somehow making it through.
I am from I am who I am
even if I'm not quite sure who that is yet.

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