Tuesday, May 3, 2011

>)))>*<(((< Kissin' Fishies

Here is a series of random facts about myself:

*I know pi to nine decimal places - 3.141592654

*I once jumped 400 times on a pogo stick without using my hands.

*My brother and I are exactly 20 months apart and we both weighed the same and were the same length.

*Kayleah Grob owes me t-shirt for finishing a giant plate of food at lunch one day.

*I have an irrational fear of water touching my skin.

*I have a very rational fear of spiders and multiples scares from them.

*My hair used to be slightly fro-ish and strawberry blond, so I guess I'm an ex-ginger.

*I have a very high tolerance for pain: I had a tooth ache for 6 years, giant spider bites and once punched a desk as hard as I could without flinching.

*My freshman year I hated basically everyone in my class; especially Kayleah Grob. I sometimes wonder when I'll get over it.

*My legs feel naked if I don't wear knee high socks.

*I sometimes get weird urges to do flips or walk on my hands. Alas, I cannot.

I guess that's enough for today.



  1. Psh. Yeah I felt the hate :( I'm sorry if I was annoying or whatever.

  2. This makes me want to think about facts of myself. Very interesting. >.<

  3. good idea for a blog and ur crazy on a pogo stick
