Wednesday, April 13, 2011


So lately I've been getting annoyed very easily. I don't really know why. I just look at certain people or think of certain things and I feel so ANGRY.

It's very hard for me to get over. Once something like that enters my mind, I'll be in a bad mood for hours. It's frustrating and sometimes very hard to control my anger. I haven't done anything

There are some people that I honestly cannot stand. They make me so... I don't even know what it is. But I feel it anytime I see them, people talk about them or even when I think about them. I'm not going to name any names, but there are some people in this world whom I just simply do not respect and most likely never will.

There are others that I like sometimes, but dislike at other times. It's like a small child's feelings towards their parents. They do something and I get so angry and feel like I'll hate them forever and never talk to them again, et cetera. But then before long I cool off and love them again.

It all just boils down to anger issues. Yay! I love being that stupid, typical teenager that gets angry at everything and sometimes can't control it; that feels like everyone's out to get them. Unfortunately, I get that way sometimes. But don't we all? I mean, come on, we're all teenagers in here (excluding you, Ms. Fultz). You'd think we'd understand when our peers get this way. But, alas.

This blog is annoying me.


Monday, April 4, 2011

> : |



Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blog (Numero dos)

Has anyone else realized that blogging is becoming suuuuper boring?

I remember when blogging used to be fun and exciting. I'd change my background like every other day and add new gadgets all the time. I'd go through the whole day looking for something to blog about. I remember thinking "Oh, gee. I can't wait to get home and blog." It was the highlight of my day.

Now it's become so tedious. My thoughts are more like "Crap. I should really blog tonight." But the honest truth is I really don't feel like it anymore. I was trying to come up with ideas to start an entirely new blog.

I thought that that would get me more into it again. This became problematic when I wouldn't even begin to think of new ideas. I'd tell myself to think of something, but I wouldn't even try.

So new plan. I'm just going to sit here and type whatever the crap I feel like. On this blog. Right here. Right now.

Actually, it will probably in my next blog considering I already kind of have a topic for this one. Which is how much I don't want to be writing this blog. Funny how it all connects.


Here's yet another reason to hate ole GW.

Night, folks!