Sunday, January 30, 2011


There are some things you never get used to.
For you it was the unannounced visits from your sisters,
The constant bickering of children.
For me it was your sickness.
How can one be expected to be okay with such a sight?
I can't even remember the last time I saw you before.
Back when no one knew.
Back when you were a healthy, lively man.
What was the last thing we spoke about?
I wish I'd taken care to remember.
But how was I to know it would be one of our last?
And then we knew you were sick.
But how were we to know just how sick?
Meningitis, they said.
It should pass.
But soon there we were.
Even then things seemed normal.
You sat at your computer and played poker as always.
The severity sank in with your face. 
Then I knew. 
I was strong then.
We all tried to be optimistic around you.
I didn't allow myself to show weakness.
Not even when I was alone.
But last night was different.
I've never witnessed the family so sad.
I walked into your living room.
And there you were.
Laying in your chair as always.
But you weren't really there anymore, were you?
That had stopped being you a long time ago.
I don't even know who all's shoulder's I cried on.
We were all one.
And at the end, I kissed you one last time.
But that wasn't you.
It was a shell.
They took your body.
They'll clean it up and try to make you look like you.
But you won't look like you ever again.
They can't possibly replicate the visions I have of you in my mind.
You: sitting in your pool. driving across the country. cracking jokes.
smoking what caused it all.
They'll do their best.
But I'll never forget that feeling of kissing you.
Your cold skin on my lips.
Where did you go?
Where are you now?

Please come back.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The trouble with jogging is that the ice falls out of your glass...

Jogging is weird. It's like running... only not.
How curious.

You should know what jog means, but on the off chance that you do not, here is a definitions straight from
to run at a leisurely, slow pace, especially as an outdoor exercise

So I decided to look up jog on to see if there were any hip new meanings of the word that I was not aware of. There are. However, most of them are not school appropriate. Alas.

You know what I don't understand? My dad "runs" marathons. But he's not actually running. He calls it pacing himself. Psshhk. Most people do not run marathons. They jog them. You know why? Because running, actually running 26.2 miles would SUCK.

Anyway, when I jog, I don't feel "leisurely". I feel like I'm running, only it's taking me longer to get where I'm going. And it sucks. But I have decided that once it gets slightly warmer out, I will attempt some kind of physical exercise. Santa got me new tennis shoes for Christmas, so I guess I'm going to start with jogging. It would be sooo cool if I didn't die.

Whoever made this is my kind of guy.


Monday, January 17, 2011


Smog makes me feel like this: ●︿●

As defined by, smog is smoke or other atmospheric pollutants combined with fog in an unhealthy or irritating mixture.

I'm so glad that I don't live in an area where smog is a major problem. Smog occurs mainly in large, urban areas with many vehicles. Car exhaust makes up the bulk of smog in places like Las Angeles and New York City.

It sucks, though, because no matter where you live on this planet, smog is affecting you. This is because smog, along with other green house gases, gets trapped in the atmosphere. With all of these pollutants in the air, the heat that the sun emits cannot get out. GASP!! And this causes...

Gahhh!! Oh no!!!

Smog causes global warming. You cause smog. You cause global warming. SEEEE?!

Luckily for you, there are some things you can do to stop killing Earth. For instance, drive a car with better gas mileage. Or, you could get up off your lazy butt and walk or ride a bike some places. Just a suggestion.

Now I'm going to go do my math

because my boyfriend is making me

Thursday, January 13, 2011

What Kayleah said.

I looked in the mirror this morning and was like "Dang. I am one sexy beast".

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Does a word rhyme with itself?

This is my new blog.
It's not my old blog.

Does this rhyme?.. I really don't know, but for the purpose of this post, let's just say it does.


Here's a short history of my blogging career. My first ever blog is called Sorry or something. (You probably already know this considering I'm going to guess that about 93% of the people reading this are in my writing class and the remaining 7% are Miss Fultz.) Despite its immense popularity, I decided that I hate saying sorry because it involves admitting you did something wrong. Thus, this new blog was born. Yippee!

So. What in the world is a blog? I just looked it up on Apparently, "blog" is actually not the full word for this thing I'm posting; it is short for "weblog". Whaaat? I guess this makes sense. Anyway, a blog, as defined by, is "a journal written on-line and accessible to users of the internet". Hmm.. interesting.

Another definition of a blog on is an on-line diary. So am I expected to right about my "feelings" or something on here? (For the record it just took me a total of 5 times to correctly type the word "here".) Here's how blogs make me feel:  ಠ_ಠ

In conclusion, here's a cool picture I found when I typed "blog" in to Google Images: